Friday, January 25, 2013

January + Northeast = Cold as F**k!

What I say:    Brrrrrrr…it’s so cold today!

What I Mean:

It’s cold. Really cold. So cold, in fact, that I counted 12 dashboard pictures on my newsfeed this morning. Funny thing is, its JANUARY. And we live in BOSTON. It’s supposed to be cold. It’s WINTER. If that kind of crap bugs you, move to FLORIDA! Then again, you’ll probably blow up my newsfeed with dashboard pictures of your thermometer reading 100 degrees. It seems there’s no escaping the dreaded dashboard picture! I got in my shit box car this morning (which is such a shit box that it doesn’t have a digital thermometer of which to take a picture), and the snow from the bottom of my shoes from the night before was still on the floor mat. Proof that it’s fucking cold, no? Oddly, the urge to take a picture with a witty tagline never crossed my mind. I guess I’m just not good at Fakebooking.

Talk of the “cold snap” is everywhere. It’s on the news, the radio, everyone is talking about it. People say things to each other like “stay warm,” “stay out of the cold,” “bundle up.” How about “shut the fuck up already about the damn cold. It’s fucking winter. It’s supposed to be cold!” Not to mention the fact that we live in New England, and although it’s 14 degrees, with a “feels like temperature”of -3 when the wind blows, next week temperatures are expected to be in the 50s. Get your bikinis ready, ladies with FUPAs!!!
In case anyone needs them, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency offered up some cold weather safety tips (this is not the complete list – I just picked a few).

·         Dress in several layers of loose-fitting, lightweight clothing, rather than a single layer of heavy clothing. Outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Wear a hat, mittens and sturdy waterproof boots, protecting your extremities. Cover the mouth with a scarf to protect the lungs.
I think it takes me approximately 5.2 seconds to walk out to my car each morning. Regardless, I shuffle out to my car dressed like an eskimo complete with scarf, down jacket zipped up to my chin, and gloves. Boy, 45 starts my car for me every morning, so when I get into the shit box, it’s a toasty 80 degrees or so. Luckily, my commute to work is roughly 5 minutes (10 if I hit all the red lights, or get stuck behind Slow Sam). About 1.5 minutes into the ride, I’m sweating my ass off, ripping off the scarf and gloves and unzipping the jacket. I may even roll the window down to avoid SWASS. Of course, I have to get all bundled back up to walk into the building, which can take another 20 seconds or so, depending on where I am lucky enough to find a parking spot. So yeah, I hate the cold, but I can handle it for roughly 4 friggen minutes a day.

·        Excessive exposure can lead to frostbite, which is damaging to body tissue that is frozen. Frostbite causes a loss of feeling and a pale appearance in extremities, such as fingers, toes, ear lobes or the tip of the nose. If symptoms are detected, seek medical help immediately. Hypothermia can occur in extreme cases. The warning signs are uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, drowsiness and apparent exhaustion. If the person’s temperature drops below 95 degrees, seek immediate medical care.
If you are stupid enough to go hiking in zero degree weather, or spend the day outside doing whatever it is idiots do when the “feels like” temperature is -15, then in my opinion, you deserve frostbite. Here’s my advice. Stay inside. If you want to get some exercise, join a gym (assuming you aren’t a Fatty.) Wait a day or two, and when New England Mother Nature decides to fuck with all of us and bring back Spring in the middle of Winter with a 50 degree day, go for a jog or hike then. Don’t be a fucking idiot.

·        Have sufficient heating fuel, as well as emergency heating equipment in case of a power outage.
Here’s the thing. I heat my house with oil (unfortunately for me). That shit is expensive. Right now the cost per gallon is hovering around $3.60. I think my tank is about 300 gallons - it would cost me over $1000 to fill that bitch! So, I get the minimum of 100 gallons delivered and turn the thermostats down to 64 in the hopes that next month I’ll be able to swing a fill up! Girl, 13 pisses and moans about the fact that she’s cold, and she is told to put on a sweatshirt and grab a blanket. In April, when the temps reach 64 degrees, she will be whipping out the booty shorts and hoochie tanks! Not too cold for ya then, is it sweetie?

·        Food provides the body with energy for producing its own heat.
Permission to eat!!! A Fat Chick doesn’t have to be told twice! Save me a seat at the buffet...I’m trying to prevent hypothermia and frostbite, for crying out loud!

Oh, and this bugs the shit out of me too, for future reference:

So, what bugs you about the cold?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Random Crap That Bugs Me: Bad Drivers!

If you haven't heard,  Girl, 16 got her Learner's Permit a few weeks ago.  Fan-freakin'-tastic! We spent a few days driving around industrial parks, learning the basics, and then it was finally time to venture out onto the road.  Luckily, she is a very fast learner, and she is doing well, but I have a heightened awareness of asshole drivers from my view out the passenger seat window.  A few of the types I find particularly annoying are listed below, for your reading pleasure!

The Secret Service Cellular User:   Despite the laws against it, the constant newspaper articles, and the TV news coverage of the many accidents that happen while people are texting, it seems to continue unabated.  I especially like the shitballs who hold the phone down low out of sight - as if they are pulling the wool over anyone's eyes.  Hey, Shitball, do you always look down at your lap instead of at the road while you are driving?  You are either texting or playing with yourself, neither of which is acceptable behavior on the roadway, you fucking moron!  It's even harder to hide your secret mission when you are driving at night. Do you honestly believe that no one notices that strange glow emanating from your lap?   I'm sure all the other drivers just assume you spend a lot of time fishing near the cooling water outlet of the nuclear power plant.  Wake up you douche, you’re not fooling anyone with that shit.

The Creepy Crawler:  This is the driver who slows down to a near standstill as they approach the turn they are about to take, especially when they neglect to use their directional.  (Yes we say directional, not turn signal here in Boston).  Now you have to guess what they are about to do.  Are they stopping to let someone cross?  Avoiding a road pizza?  Turning  Left?  Turning Right?  Can I pass them or will I get T-boned if I do?   All of this could be solved by a simple little act of pushing the handy little directional lever up or down.  Think you can handle that next time, Asswipe?  'Preciate it!
Slow Sally/Sam:  These are the dicks doing 50 MPH in the left hand lane on the highway.  You’re driving in a line of bumper to bumper traffic about 10 cars long, and at the front of the line is a 1982 Doge Aries K (loaded with bumper stickers - and you know my feelings on those). You're expecting to at least be behind a funeral procession - but no, it's the lady from "Where's the Beef?" I usually find myself in this situation when I'm late for work, and Slow Sam makes me even later!  Speaking of Funeral Processions - is there anything more ignorant than cutting into or cutting off a funeral procession?  It happens more than you think, and anyone who does this purposely should be shot, hung, then pissed on.  Have a little respect, shitstick. 
Massholes:    Here in Massachusetts, we have our own breed of driver that we affectionately refer to as "Massholes."   A Masshole is a driver who gets their skivvies in a twist when another car passes them on the highway.  Other Masshole tendencies include drivers who are traveling in the lane you are trying to merge into, and instead of letting you in, they purposely speed up so you can’t get in. If you are a driver trying to pull out of a side street into the flow of traffic, a Masshole would speed up to a red light a mere 50 feet away, rather than show you any courtesy.  Hurry up and wait, Masshole.  When this happens to me, I give them the fuzzy eyeball and silently wish for a bird to shit all over their windshield.  Numerous times.  After it eats some blueberries. A lot of blueberries.  Another "Hurry Up and Wait"  example applies to several Massholes traveling in a line (sometimes, they may even find themselves behind Slow Sally/Sam).  Imagine you are trying to take a right hand turn into bumper to bumper ass traffic.  Not one Masshole will let you in, despite the fact that you have inched your way so far out into traffic, they have to actually go around you so they won't hit you.  This really bugs me, but what bugs me even more is when Massholes are coming from both directions, and you are turning left.  You're pretty much fucked in this situation.  Your only option at this point is to close your eyes and gun it.  Be the Masshole.  If you can't beat 'em - join 'em!  I'm pretty sure that's why the population of Massholes keeps increasing! 
Masshole Mergers:  Merging pretty much sucks, but there are times when you just have to do it.  I don't understand why some people find this so fucking difficult.  It’s one and one!  Car in lane, merging vehicle, car in lane, merging vehicle, and the pattern continues.  It’s not rocket science!  Tip:  If you are the Masshole who doesn’t want to merge correctly because you are late for your pedicure and that extra 10 feet that the merging car will take up is unacceptable to you, then the trick is to stare straight ahead at all costs.  Do NOT make eye contact!  If you do you’re fucked.  Conversely, if you are the one who is getting screwed out of your rightful spot in the merge, then bore holes in the side of the offenders head with your eyes while they are following proper Masshole procedure and avoiding any eye contact whatsoever.           
Lousy Lane Changers:  This  happens when someone travelling in the left hand lane decides they are getting off at an exit… as they are passing said exit. The driver cuts cuts across all lanes of traffic and takes the exit ramp with not a foot to spare, usually no directional, and with total disregard of who may be travelling behind or around them.  I guess the idea of just getting off at the next exit, banging a U turn and jumping back on the highway is just too much work. It's easier for the Lousy Lane Changer to risk the lives of other drivers so he is not inconvenienced.  Not sure, but I'm thinking going to jail for vehicular homicide might suck just a little bit more than being 5 minutes late for your back wax. 
Needless to say, I'm not finding this "teaching my kid how to drive" shit enjoyable.  No reflection on Girl, 16, just all the other buttnuggets with whom we are sharing the road! 
These are just some examples of drivers who really bug the crap out of me.  Do certain drivers bug you?  And just for the record: 
Funny Family Ecard: I'm not a bad driver.... You just need to get the fuck out of my way!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year, Fatty!

Funny Encouragement Ecard: May the stress of your weight loss resolution not lead to relentless binge eating.

What I say: I Love reading all of the Happy New Year Facebook Status Updates, and looking at everyone’s pictures from their New Year’s Eve parties!

What I mean: Happy New Year to all of you, too! Now shut the hell up already about resolutions and long lines at your gym!

Read this wonderful gem posted by one of my Fakebook "Friends": 

“I would like to officially greet all of the New Year's Resolutioner's at my gym: Hello and you're fat. You simply don't understand that you must completely identify your problem before you seek to solve it. Instead, for the next 30 days you will appear at my church and lip sync the prayers with some misperception that attendance counts for 90 percent of the class. The next time I see you, you talking on your cell phone as you lean on the Stairmaster as if you were doing dips for 30 minutes. You'll be sipping Gatorade without understanding by the end of your 'workout' you will have consumed more calories than you burned. You will spend your evenings baking cookies, talking to your friends about your 'workout' and shopping on Pinsterest instead of researching low calorie meals, stretching instead of sitting on the couch and making your lunch for tomorrow. All the while failing to understand that you need to hate your fat to divorce your fat. And, worst of all, you will never even ask a question knowing that something you are doing is wrong. I can however at least thank you...for being part of the reason I only pay $10.00 per month for my membership. Goodbye and good luck.” be talking on your cell phone as you lean on the Stairmaster as if you were doing dips for 30 minutes. You'll be sipping Gatorade without understanding by the end of your 'workout' you will have consumed more calories than you burned. You will spend your evenings baking cookies, talking to your friends about your 'workout' and shopping on Pinsterest instead of researching low calorie meals, stretching instead of sitting on the couch and making your lunch for tomorrow. All the while failing to understand that you need to hate your fat to divorce your fat. And,worst of all, you will never even ask a question knowing that something you are doing is wrong. I can however at least thank you...for being part of the reason I only pay $10.00 per month for my membership. Goodbye and good luck.” be talking on your cell phone as you lean on the Stairmaster as if you were doing dips for 30 minutes. You'll be sipping Gatorade without understanding by the end of your 'workout' you will have consumed more calories than you burned. You will spend your evenings baking cookies, talking to your friends about your 'workout' and shopping on Pinsterest instead of researching low calorie meals, stretching instead of sitting on the couch and making your lunch for tomorrow. All the while failing to understand that you need to hate your fat to divorce your fat. And,worst of all, you will never even ask a question knowing that something you are doing is wrong. I can however at least thank you...for being part of the reason I only pay $10.00 per month for my membership. Goodbye and good luck.” be talking on your cell phone as you lean on the Stairmaster as if you were doing dips for 30 minutes. You'll be sipping Gatorade without understanding by the end of your 'workout' you will have consumed more calories than you burned. You will spend your evenings baking cookies, talking to your friends about your 'workout' and shopping on Pinsterest instead of researching low calorie meals, stretching instead of sitting on the couch and making your lunch for tomorrow. All the while failing to understand that you need to hate your fat to divorce your fat. And,worst of all, you will never even ask a question knowing that something you are doing is wrong. I can however at least thank you...for being part of the reason I only pay $10.00 per month for my membership. Goodbye and good luck.”

There are many reasons why this post bugs me. I should start off by saying that I am fat. Not "I can’t get out of bed without a crane or leave the house because I can't fit through the door" fat, but I could stand to lose 50 or 60 pounds. I did not join a gym for my 2013 New Year’s Resolution, and probably never will (especially after reading this). Why, you ask? Being overweight, I’m already pretty self-conscious. I almost had a panic attack walking into Lululemon last weekend, because (a) I was clearly the only person in the store who has eaten a cheeseburger in the last six months, and (b) $98 yoga pants - even if they did make them in my size (which, for the record, they do not), I wouldn't spend that kind of money on stretch pants! 

I feel the need to respond to each sentence individually, because this person clearly thinks he knows Fat Phyllis on the exercise bike next to him, or Chubby Charlie on the Stairmaster he is waiting for, but really, he doesn’t know Jack Shit! Here goes:

“I would like to officially greet all of the New Year's Resolutioner's at my gym: Hello and you're fat.”

Didn’t your mother ever tell you, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”  Mine did (and I think I'm going to be ignoring her advice for this post).  My third grade teacher also taught me that an apostrophe before the letter “s” doesn’t pluralize a word.  So, I guess even though I’m fat, I can proofread the shit out of your post.  But, I digress.   I’m sure every fat person at your gym knows they are fat. They don’t need you to tell them. That’s why they are there. That was just plain rude and childish. 

“You simply don't understand that you must completely identify your problem before you seek to solve it.”

How the fuck do you know that? Most people with weight problems know why they are overweight. I certainly do. Food is fucking delicious! Seriously, the "Resolutioners," as you called them, have made the decision to get healthier and go to the gym. They most likely know that if they control their diet and exercise, they will lose weight. They are fat (as you so graciously pointed out), not fucking stupid.

"Instead, for the next 30 days you will appear at my church and lip sync the prayers with some misperception that attendance counts for 90 percent of the class."

Here's the thing. Although it may appear to you that Fat Freddie is satisfied with just showing up to the gym, and not necessarily giving 100% to his workout, he should probably take it slow at first - Dude's been eating chips and channel surfing on the couch for the last 11 months, he'll get the hang of it! The fact that he made the decision to go to the gym (even though he's.....gasp....FAT) and make a lifestyle change is a step in the right direction. But for some reason, you have more of a right to go to the gym (because you are fit) than he does? Don't get me wrong...I'm sure it is a pain in the ass to have to share your gym with “Resolutioners” for a month...but you get 11 months of peace and quiet at your gym...can the fat people get JUST ONE? (I'm kidding, of course. I'm sure there are a few Chubbies who actually stick with it and reach their goal! I'm guessing they are the people who are in-shape at the gym and aren't bitching about petty little things like lines at the Treadmills for the month of January.)

“The next time I see you, you talking on your cell phone as you lean on the Stairmaster as if you were doing dips for 30 minutes.”

This would piss me off too (if wasn’t fat, of course, since a gym is apparently no place for a Heifer).  However, I’d be willing to bet that “fatties,” as well as those who “pick things up and put them down” are guilty of this inconsiderate act.  
“You'll be sipping Gatorade without understanding by the end of your 'workout' you will have consumed more calories than you burned.”
Again with the “fat people are imbociles” attitude.  Thank GOD fit people like you are here to point out that Gatorade is not without calories!  Oh how I wish I was thin so I could spread my wealth of fitness knowledge to stupid fat people all over the world!  
“You will spend your evenings baking cookies, talking to your friends about your 'workout' and shopping on Pinsterest instead of researching low calorie meals, stretching instead of sitting on the couch and making your lunch for tomorrow.”

First, it’s called Pinterest.  And you don’t shop on it.  Actually, it’s a great place to look up low calorie recipes and meal plans.  There are links to blogs and websites that offer food shopping tips and lists.  You really should check it out.  You might even be able to learn some new stretches or exercises.  No need to thank me.  Consider it a Fat Chick Tip, since you so generously shared your knowledge of Gatorade and fitness.  I’m being childish again.  Wow – it really is kind of fun.  Now I see why you do it so often!

Second, baking cookies?  We cows just eat the batter right from the bowl.  No need to bake that shit! Again, consider this more Fat Chick Words of Wisdom.  Just keeping it real. 

“All the while failing to understand that you need to hate your fat to divorce your fat.”

Ahhh…the battered wife strategy!  Love it!  No one likes being fat…it just kind of happens.  I hate my fat.  I want to divorce it, but I’m not ready.  I’ve lost weight in the past when I thought I was ready.  But in the end, I put it back on, and then some!  I’m not filing for divorce and then reconciling anymore with food.  That doesn’t mean I don’t hate being fat – I just fucking love food!

“And, worst of all, you will never even ask a question knowing that something you are doing is wrong.” 

I’m confused here.  You make Two Ton Tommy feel like a piece of shit for going to YOUR gym on YOUR time, and then you expect him to ask you how to use the equipment properly?  Or maybe he should ask a Trainer.  That would go over like a fart in church…it may mean you would have to wait an additional 3 minutes until Tommy finds the Trainer to ask for a how-to. 

“I can however at least thank you...for being part of the reason I only pay $10.00 per month for my membership. Goodbye and good luck.”

I’m pretty sure $10 deals for memberships are offered throughout the year.  I’m also pretty sure there is no legal jargon at the end of the ads stating something along the lines of, “This offer is for Thin People only.  If you are fat, have ever been fat, have a kid who is fat, know someone who is fat, or become fat, you are unwelcome at this gym.” 

I have to tell you that after reading your post, my first thought was, “What a pretentious asshole!”  I can only assume that you are so unhappy in your life that you have to put other people down to pump yourself up (pun intended).  See what I did there?  Sucks when someone presumes that they know you and what you are all about, huh? 

I'm kind of annoyed with myself for stooping to your level, but this has been somewhat therapeutic for me! I think I may actually be motivated to finally lose weight, join a gym and make you wait for me while I finish my workout! What gym do you belong to, anyway? I'll buy you a Gatorade!