Sunday, June 24, 2012

Random Crap That Bugs Me: Political Ads

Political Ads bug the living crap out of me. As the Presidential Election nears, the number of these ads will only increase.  Being in Massachusetts, we are lucky enough to have to endure not only the ads of Obama and Romney, but also those of Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren.  While the Obama and Romney ads are enough to make me want to rip my ear drums out, the Brown and Warren ads are even worse!

Elizabeth Warren

She has one ad out there that starts off with a lady on a Boston street, with her Boston accent in full effect, and she says "Her faathah was a janidah.  My faathah was a janidah."   So now we elect people based on the jobs their parents held?  Scarier still, having a father who was a janitor somehow qualifies her for the US Senate?  The fuck?

She also claims to have Cherokee Indian roots.  Suuuuuurrrreeeeeeee you do,  Nocahontas.  Sure you do.

Oh Yeah.  I totally see the resemblance.  

Scott Brown

Last time he ran, his ads were all about the fact that he hit the campaign trail in his pick up truck.  Just a regular guy running for Senate.  This time around, he walks into a diner like an Average Joe and talks about his accomplishments.  At the end of the ad, a waitress comes over with a pot of coffee and says, "You deserve anothah cup."  I'm hoping that the waitress trips and spills the entire pot of  hot coffee right on his mangina.  Clearly, wifey-poo carries his nuts around in her Hermes handbag. We are also subjected to her stories about what a great husband and father Scott is.  Can you believe he got up with the kids and got them ready for school while she worked? News Flash:  Women EXPECT this type of behavior from their husbands. Big effing deal.

I have a mangina. Vote for me!

This is Crap That Bugs me,
 and I approve this message.  

Any political ads that bug you, in particular?  Do tell!


  1. Politicians in general bug me with all their lies. I often email mine just to ask "WTH are you thinking?" Enjoyed reading your postings and am giving you the Fabulous Blog Award, stop by and pick it up when you get a chance.

  2. Well thank u very much!!! My very first one!! Since I'm new at this, I may need help!

  3. Your blog (besides being fucking hysterical) looked a little barren, I think you should dress it up with the award I gave you, head over to my blog to grab it!

    Edit...dammit, Gossip_Girl beat me to it...well I am awarding it to you anyway....

    1. Thank you, Kevin! Now I'm fucked though - I have to give it to 5 others?

  4. Oh crap! I was just going to award it to you too, Cheryl. But I will spare you the aggravation of having to do it three times so that your next post doesn't end up being "I Hate Those Damn Ribbon Awards!" :)

    1. I guess I'm already breaking the rules...I'm doing it once! I don't have enough "Blogger Buddies," as it is! I do, however, appreciate the thought! I also must say that I thoroughly enjoy the "Blogger Buddies" that I do have!

  5. Oh it seems to me like Warren should trademark the phrase "Families are getting hammered" Ugh I can't stand her. I have a friend that actually worked on a group that was hired to "find" her Cherokee Hertitage. Yup, they found NOTHING! As for Brown. I used to love him till he left me a crappy tip one night. I can bet that the waitress at the diner didn't know that about him. Oh wait, I am sure she did because the guy that owns that very diner (and was in the commercial when Scott walks in and says "hi Scott") used to be my manager oh and is her husband and was there the night I got the bad tip!

    1. What a prick. You would think that someone as well known as he is would leave a hearty tip, for crying out loud. The fact that he didn't really shows how little he gives a shit about what the "regular" people think of him!
